Holiday Travel Skincare Routine

Hey Royals!

Katie B, SK’s Marketing Manager here! Today I’m taking over the blog and sharing my travel skincare routine! 

Pre Travel Prep - Last night I stopped by the spa and got our amazing Live Royally vitamin injection from Khanh & our Alchemē collaboration! The shot is full of goodies like Vitamin D, CoEnzyme Q10, Collagen, Lysine, and Glutathione! I always love a little vitamin boost before I know I’m going to have a long or stressful day. Check out Alchemē’s full list of shots here

Morning Of Travel - Up and at ‘em! Today I made sure to save enough time for my full morning skincare routine constituting of an exfoliant, cleanser, toner, moisturizer, sunscreen, and use of my crystal roller. I like to do a little more intensive skincare routine on travel days (comparable to what I would do on a Sunday evening) vs my normal wake up & get out the door daily skincare practice. This could mean the addition of an exfoliant or a mask. I also like to keep my skin makeup free for travel days. 

I enjoyed a Suja juice on the way to the airport for some good nutrients to fuel my body. I also pack all my favorite snacks and seek out coffee shops that have dairy free alternatives since I know greasy fast food and dairy personally causes skin flare ups for me almost immediately. I’m all for a deliberate cheat day every once and awhile but it has to be something I really want; I’m not willing to make the sacrifice for convenience or because I simply wasn’t prepared. 

Side note that doesn’t really fit in the whole process but has to be said - Please wash your hands through out your travel day! It’s the first thing I do post security & after getting off the plane. Now back to our skincare! :)


During Travel - I travel cross country for the holidays & long haul flights are SO draining on not only your body but also your skin. I always pack a little skincare kit in my carry on and use it throughout the flight. 

On today’s flight I brought my Epicuren moisturizer (seriously, this little guy is a life saver) and applied twice during my travel day. 

I also packed my crystal roller, some facial oil, and a little cup for facial contour cupping. 


A huge skincare tip that keeps me looking my best is making sure, even when traveling, that I’m also getting my full (if not more) amount of my daily water intake. Drink up for hydrated & plump skin! I normally pack an empty water bottle or for long flights will even buy an additional BIG bottle post security so I have water readily accessible throughout the flight. 


I also am totally that person (must to my boyfriend’s dismay) who has no problem wearing a full sheet mask on a flight! It’s the perfect way to multitask and hydrate your skin while listening to a podcast or taking a nap! 

Today I opted for our 24k gold collagen eye masks. (And I have pictures to prove it!) 

I also make sure to never skip my lips either, since I know they easily chap. Epicuren’s lip balm comes in the cutest container that feels like a real treat and almost makes me forget I’m traveling! 

I also pass on any airport or in flight alcohol on long travel days since it’s just another dehydrating factor that I don’t need in my life. 

Post Flight - If I’m going somewhere immediately from the airport, I might stop in the bathroom and touch up with a little bit of mascara, powder, and lip gloss. Glo Beauty’s powder delivers unsurpassed coverage that nourishes, corrects and protects. It provides buildable, sheer to full coverage with a flawless, semi-matte finish.

I also make sure that even though my travel day is over, I’m still conscious of how much water I’m drinking and I’ll try to incorporate a brisk walk, some yoga, or deep stretching into my day since my body spent most of the day idle. 

When it’s time for bed, I complete my nighttime routine skipping any drying products like retinoids or active acne medications and instead put an emphasis on deep hydration before hitting the sheets! The next morning, it’s back to business as usual! 

As always, what works for one person might not be a perfect fit for another but I hope my travel routine inspires you to take a little self care (& skincare!) action the next time you travel! If you have tried & true tricks that I skipped or favorite products that I need to check out, be sure to leave a comment below!

Travel Royally & Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!