Practicing Daily Mental Wellness

Mental Health and Wellness Tea

We wanted to start this post by sending all of our readers a whole lot of L-O-V-E! We truly appreciate all our dedicated Loyal Royals. Today, we are talking about a topic we hold close to our hearts: Mental Health + Wellness. We know that taking care of your mental health is not as cut and dry as tending to your physical health. In this post we are going to be giving you all some tips on how to strengthen your mindfulness muscles and practice self-care in order to keep your mind healthy and happy!

One way you can take time for your mental health as well as your body’s wellbeing is massage therapy at Spa Kingston. To begin with, all of our massage services kick off with a soothing, warm lavender neck wrap while you soak in one of our signature rose petal footbaths which are extremely detoxifying especially when infused with Arnica Oil. Massages are very effective for minimizing stress and significantly help to reduce anxiety and depression. By reducing pain, discomfort and stress; you will leave your appointment with improved concentration and a greater sense of clarity. The Spa Kingston Reiki Massage works on emotional, physical and spiritual levels to trigger the body’s healing systems, aids in better sleep and improves overall wellbeing. The service begins and ends with essential oil aromatherapy which play a major role in calming the mind and even boosting the immune system. We also incorporate crystals into the massage services that align with your wellness goals that day so you are truly receiving a customizable and comprehensive wellness experience.

Another way to benefit your mental health is to incorporate self-care practices at home. Some of our favorite at home self-care practices include meditation, face masking and journaling with some candles lit and drinking herbal tea. Or all at the same time! Meditation helps you quiet your mind, feel more at peace and forces you to take your eyes away from screens and technology to get in touch with how you are feeling emotionally. Candle light while journaling has amazing calming effects and it is another act of taking time for yourself to tune into how you are feeling.  

Shop our favorite journaling candles by Craft + Foster.

Herbal teas can have extremely beneficial effects for anxiety as well. Some of the best herbal teas for minimizing anxiety are peppermint tea, chamomile tea, passion flower tea and lemon balm tea. Herb + Nectar and Spa Kingston teamed up to make three soothing and invigorating teas; our favorite for relaxation is the Sacred Tea. Clove, Marshmallow Root and Cinnamon are combined to create a tea that will have you wanting to curl up by a fireplace. This blend is spicy and aromatic. It is great for soothing the throat, easing dry coughs and cold, invigorating the body and mind and improving mental clarity and focus.

Shop our most soothing tea by Herb + Nectar.
